Chicken Popcorn Wrap
Recipe for meatballs, cheese sausage, chicken popcorn and chicken nuggets necessarily will elobarate more your own fine recipe. No need to worry for preparation of snack dinner or a picnic meal otherwise the guests who come for enjoying the food. Definitely yourself can cook like a chef known for a delicious meal of Ayamadu Kitchen suggestions recipe...!
Enjoy the recipe from the chef's specialties are acquainted with the materials produced of high quality. Pleasantness of taste in our recipe provided is selected ingredients according to Malaysia flavour in any way. This preparation is easy and inexpensive, even the ingredients can be found anywhere, whether on shop or supermarket nearby. Do not waste your time let's try it, then it’s will change your life, the people around you will praise of your cuisine...!
Go Ayamadu Kitchen.

Spaghetti Meatball ​
Spagheeti Meatball
Chicken Popcorn Wrap
Meatball Beef

Greetings to all our food lover...! We from Ayamadu taking move step forward to our customer, introducing an excellent taste. We 'll prove our product with our great chef testing to suits with our local flavor get into western delights stuff. Now, we launched the AYAMADU KITCHEN and share our desire to express goodness with you guys to cook a simple way and fast. Of course, this recipe will feed your love choice, who would rather like to try a different variety of family recipes!
Tips & Recipes